
Showing posts from November, 2019


Strategic Housing Solutions has created a place where we can tell our stories of the horrific, whirlwind foreclosure process.  We want current and previous homeowners to know that they are not alone. Yes, you had a predatory loan that you couldn't get out of Yes, you tried your best to make the payments Yes, you invested hundreds of thousands into making payments on that home Yes, you were told to miss mortgage payments in order to apply for a loan modification Yes, the "bank" lost your paperwork and gave you the runaround Yes, you were foreclosed on while you thought you were working out a modification with the "bank" Yes, you were lied to Day 1 about your loan, all the way until the end Yes, you have a loan modification that is impossible to pay off in your lifetime Yes, your home was stolen from right under you even if you had a valid defense to foreclosure Yes, you were railroaded.  YES, YES, YES!!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It takes all of us to come t